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International Australian Federal Police operations

Fighting global crime at its source

Global crime is changing, in dangerous ways. Criminals and terrorists work in loose networks, often from unstable and war-struck regions. Globalisation and the internet are their accomplices. They reach across borders to carry out crime.
Australian Federal Police at the MH17 crash site

In this volatile and complex environment, it is increasingly important that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) fights crime at its source. Reflecting this focus, the AFP brought together all of its international operations into a single group to work internationally and cooperate with other countries.

The AFP asked ThinkPlace to help co-design a sustainable strategic plan and operating model to direct this new division. The strategy was to guide all AFP international engagements and activities to protect Australians and Australia’s national interests at home and abroad.

We began by assessing the present and comparing it to what we know about the future. We took into account emerging trends, risks and opportunities, to ensure the AFP is able to respond to current challenges and be adaptive to future possibilities.

The AFP works with many law enforcement agencies and other national and international government organisations. We consulted broadly with these groups, reviewing roles and allocating responsibilities. 

Our research included changes to workforce, processes, policy and organisation. We identified a communication framework using case studies and other mechanisms, to tell the story of the strategy.

The result was International Engagement 2020 and Beyond, a live and dynamic strategy aligned with AFP Futures and the 15-year outlook for policing. It optimises AFP international engagement across the organisation and is coordinated with national and international cooperative partners.

A co-design Diagnostic Review approach, through broad consultation, responsive prototyping of ideas and frank advice, delivered a strategy that is evidence-based, robust and clearly communicated through the organisation. It will direct the AFP’s fight against transnational crime in the coming decade, to the benefit of Australia and its citizens.

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Australian Federal Police
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